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Ancient portal to the galactic universe which knows nothing of time

In rhyme and sequence

Frequent the stars navigating

Near and far beyond

what is seen here

it is clear

Multi dimensional beings

signal their presence

Working on the earth feeling dualities pain and when it rains

feeling another rift parting the clouds

Shrouded in mystery unknowing what history and magic ablaze

underneath as the elements

fire and water

aerate the earth

Ask and open to the birth

prayer and dirt

eaten and sacrificed for ceremony

Jumping like a pony through the gates of stars and portals

Black holes in space

Places and traces of lifelines imagined unknown but shown

in dreams and heard about in tales

Like whales to ride

in the giant tidal pools of lore

Roaring and sounding

vibrations of primal knowledge

Intelligent colleges of schools

of constellations

Families and relations

Soul clusters that dust and delight bright light beams through the worlds

Spiraling and curling

in and out

Fractals no doubt

patterning the ways of grand design

fine and perfect in form and fashion

Passionate creations

dances weaving

Whirls and whispers to its maker



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